- 세미나 안내 : Local existence results in Sobolev spaces for generalized MHD equations
- 관리자 |
- 2019-12-16 16:11:27|
- 99
- 일시
- 2019.12.11(수) 15:00-16:30
- 장소
- 산업경영학동(E2) Room 3221
- 연사
- 김현석(서강대학교)
- 일시: 2019.12.11(수) 15:00-16:30
- 장소: 산업경영학동(E2) Room 3221
- 연사: 김현석(서강대학교)
- 제목: Local existence results in Sobolev spaces for generalized MHD equations
- 초록: We consider generalized MHD equations with fractional diffusions. Existence of local solutionshas been well-known for initial datain Sobolev spaces $H^s$, if $s$ is sufficiently large. The goal of the talk is to present local existence results with initial datain $H^{s_1} \times H^{s_2}$ of lower orders $s_1$ and/or $s_2$, which extend recent existence results by Fefferman, McCormick, Robinson, and Rodrigo(2014, 2017). This is a joint work with Yong Zhou at the Sun Yat-Sen University (Zhuhai), China.
- 장소: 산업경영학동(E2) Room 3221
- 연사: 김현석(서강대학교)
- 제목: Local existence results in Sobolev spaces for generalized MHD equations
- 초록: We consider generalized MHD equations with fractional diffusions. Existence of local solutionshas been well-known for initial datain Sobolev spaces $H^s$, if $s$ is sufficiently large. The goal of the talk is to present local existence results with initial datain $H^{s_1} \times H^{s_2}$ of lower orders $s_1$ and/or $s_2$, which extend recent existence results by Fefferman, McCormick, Robinson, and Rodrigo(2014, 2017). This is a joint work with Yong Zhou at the Sun Yat-Sen University (Zhuhai), China.
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