Stochastic Analysis and Application Research Center


  • 세미나 안내: Real and complex Hessian equations)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2020-09-18 16:13:38|
  • 133
  • 일시
  • 2020.09.18.(금) 16:00-18:00
  • 장소
  • Zoom
  • 연사
  • Slawomir Dinew(Jagiellonian University)
- 일시: 2020.09.18.(금) 16:00-18:00
- 장소: Zoom
- 연사: Slawomir Dinew(Jagiellonian University)
- 제목: Real and complex Hessian equations
- 초록: Hessian operators are, roughly speaking, the ones that depend on the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix. Classical examples include the Laplacian and the real and complex Monge-Amp|’ere operator. Typically discussion of Hessian equations is restricted to subfamilies of functions, so that the problem becomes (degenerate) elliptic. In my talk I will discuss the basics of general Hessian equations and explain its links to problems arising in geometric analysis. If time permits I will focus on more specific examples admitting a richer theory.