Stochastic Analysis and Application Research Center


  • Colloquium: Toward a grand unified theory of accelerations in optimization and machine learning
  • saarc |
  • 2024-05-08 11:15:01|
  • 114
  • 일시
  • 2024.03.12.(Tue.) 16:00-17:00
  • 장소
  • Rm.1401
  • 연사
  • 류경석 교수
- Title: Toward a grand unified theory of accelerations in optimization and machine learning
- Abstract: Momentum-based acceleration of first-order optimization methods, first introduced by Nesterov, has been foundational to the theory and practice of large-scale optimization and machine learning. However, finding a fundamental understanding of such acceleration remains a long-standing open problem. In the past few years, several new acceleration mechanisms, distinct from Nesterov’s, have been discovered, and the similarities and dissimilarities among these new acceleration phenomena hint at a promising avenue of attack for the open problem. In this talk, we discuss the envisioned goal of developing a mathematical theory unifying the collection of acceleration mechanisms and the challenges that are to be overcome.