Stochastic Analysis and Application Research Center


  • Colloquium: Pathwise Itô's formula and its generalizations
  • saarc |
  • 2025-03-14 15:57:03|
  • 27
  • 일시
  • Mar. 25 (Tue.) 16:00 ~17:00
  • 장소
  • 자연과학동(E6-1) 1401호
  • 연사
  • 김동한 교수
Title: Pathwise Itô's formula and its generalizations

Abstract: H. Föllmer introduced in 1981 a version of Itô's formula without any probabilistic assumptions. It has been generalized in several aspects, including pathwise Tanaka's formula, high-order, and functional change-of-variable formula. Its drawbacks and a brief application to mathematical finance will also be presented.